San Diego Sail and Power Squadron

America’s Boating Course ( Friday August 23 – Saturday August 24)

Abc3 Cover

Date:  Friday, August 23, 2024 – Saturday, August 24, 2024
Time: Friday, 6pm – 8:30pm: Saturday 8:30am – 5pm
Place:  Southwestern Yacht Club – Directions
Cost:  $40 members/$65 nonmembers
Registration:  Registration to be posted HERE
Contact:  Education Officer –

This course is taught Friday night and all day Saturday and includes
safe boating practices and California boating laws.  Passing the test
will qualify you for the California Boater’s Card (required for all 60
years old and younger).

Results – Saturday March 16, 2024

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Here are the Results

Boat Handling – Seamanship Seminars (Six weeks)

Boat Handling

Date:  Monday, June 3, 2024
Time: 6:00pm – 8pm Monday for six weeks
Place:  Southwestern Yacht Club – Directions
Cost:  Free. Books are $70 (member), $90(non-member)
Registration:  Registration HERE
Contact:  Education Officer –

Learn how to handle your boat in a variety of situations and become the skipper you want to be. Gain confidence in docking, underway, anchoring, and other seamanship skills.

Our new Boat Handling course is intended for newer recreational boaters who have completed a basic boating class (like America’s Boating Course) and want to gain more knowledge, skill, and confidence to boat safely and have more fun in a variety of situations.

The General Membership Meeting

2023 07 Gmm

America’s Boating Club®San Diego
Cordially invites you to

The General Membership Meeting
Sunday, July 9, 2023  2-5 pm

DeAnza Cove
2701 N. Mission Bay Drive at DeAnza Road

Based on available space. Look for us around the perimeter of the parking lot

Time for a summer BBQ!!! Bring your favorite side dish or dessert and join the other SDSPS members for a day on the bay.  Hot Dogs, hamburgers, condiments, and water will be provided.  Beer and wine will be allowed (BYOB) but NO GLASS BOTTLES!

Be sure to bring chairs and a small tablePre-Registration is Required!

Members and guests are $5

The activity for this GMM will be NOTHING! 

Just a day to hang out with other boating members and catch up.

Please RSVP your attendance and Potluck Item by July 7, 2023

to: Carl Schwartzat or leave a message:619 528-9111.

Walk-ins welcome.  Bring a potential new member!!

South Bay Family Sailing Series – Sailing Instructions: May 21, 2022

Race Announcement3

(Relaxing/No stress/Sail Racing)                            

When:   May 21, 2022
Where:  San Diego South Bay
Time:   12:00pm Local GPS Time Race



    • Start race Q’s 11:45
    • First Warning 11:55-One second blast of the air horn coordinated with GPS time.
    • Group A. –Start 12:00 One second blast of the air horn.
    • Group B.-Start 12:06 One second blast of the air horn.
    • Group C.-Start 12:12. One second blast of the air horn.

It will be a “Pursuit Race

    • Group A: Blew-By-U, Kiss, Fast Sunday, Tom Kat, Pie in the Sky, Miller Time III, Pau Hana, Aragon.
    • Group B: Simplicity, Atsa II, Sanctuary, Bon Temps, Estate Sail
    • Group C:  Tiny Bubbles, Elusive, Ran, Osprey, Consigliere, Marilee Madison 3, Serendipity III
    • If you are not listed above, or are a first-time racer please start at 12 O’clock

Please download and use the RaceQ’s application so you can track the fleet and replay the race.

 Racecourse #4 REVERSE

    • Buoy “R34” to port / Buoy “WR-32A” to starboard (staring line)
    • Buoy “B” to Port
    • Buoy “C” to Port
    • Buoy “R30” to Port
    • Buoy “B” to Starboard
    • Buoy “R26” to Port
    • Buoy “A” to Starboard
    • Buoy “R34” to starboard / Buoy “WR-32A” to port (finish line)

Course Distance 8.6nm

Please Monitor VHF Channel 68 for information, to report problems on the course. Report finish times to Ted Bowler or 619-334-7150 before end of day Sunday 5-22-22.

Yellow “Q” flag should be flown aft, where it can be best seen while racing.

  • “A” (N32 40.465 / W117 08.737) 24inch XL Yellow fender marked “A” in Black Letters.
  • “B” (N32 39.177 / W117 08.575) 30inch White Ball marked with Letter “B” in Black Letters
  • “C” (N32 38.542 / W117 08.195) 22inch Ball marked with the Letter “C” in black letters 

 Reference Navigation Charts for Location of the channel marks used for this race.

The General Membership Meeting and Dinner

2022 05 Gmm

America’s Boating Club – San Diego

Cordially invites you to
The General Membership Meeting
Saturday, May 14, 2022 – 6-8 pm

New Location!!

Bay Park Fish Company
4121 Ashton Street
San Diego, CA 92110


All members of the San Diego Sail & Power Squadron and their guests are invited to attend the General Membership Meeting, with no-host cocktails at 6 pm.

The business meeting will begin at 6:30 pm.

Meal orders will be placed from their menu.  Separate checks for each party.  Alcoholic beverages available for purchase as well.

Join the other boating members for an evening together.  Come and see what is happening with the San Diego Club!  You can also just join us for an evening!  Come early to socialize.  Please let us know you are coming so we have enough seats available.  Invite a friend or someone that is interested in our mission and what we do.

Please RSVP your attendance by May 8, 2022 to Carl Schwartz at or call at 619 528-9111.  Walk-ins are welcome.

South Bay Family Sailing Series-March 19, 2022

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What a race for March. Certainly “March Madness”. Here are the results.

South Bay Family Sailing Series-March 19, 2022
Saturday (?????? Nm.)
Saturday, March 19, 2022 was a wonderful day to be sailing. If you were not out there you really missed a typically fine San Diego sailing day. The sun was shining, with blue skies, and the winds were constant from the west at 10-14 knots. The white caps were just starting to appear on the surface of the water. High tide was scheduled at 10:30 so the current would be ebbing for the whole race.
The Racecourse was a little different. Every boat was to determine their own sequence of buoys. Many questions from captains flew around the internet prior to the race. What is the definition of “rounding”? Is it safe to complete a 270* turn around the buoy?, etc., etc. Well, Dan (Marilee) decided to shake up the course. “March Madness” is a perfect description of the course. At each of the three starts 12:00, 12:05, and 12:10 boats raced off in different directions. We might be able to sail a race like this, however, how would you come up with a way to calculate the finish???? Dan said, “I think I have a way”. It appears he has done it.
There was wonderful participation for this unconventional race. 15 boats were circling the starting line for the beginning of the race, Consigliere, Madison 3, Osprey, Estate Sail, KISS, Ran, Atsa II, Marilee, Malu, Bon Temps, Miller Time III, Aragorn, Serendipity 3, Pau Hana, and Fast Sunday.
We have not seen Mike and crew in Atsa II for a while so it was good to see him back.

Boat across the line order Start Group Finish First across Adj. Finish PHRF HC PHRF Adjusted finish time PHRF FINISH Collins HC
Consigliare 3 1:14:12 1 1:04:12 111 0:51:15 1 11
Madison 3 3 1:15:00 2 1:05:00 114 0:51:42 2 2
Osprey 3 1:15:15 3 1:05:15 60 0:58:15 5 1
Estate Sail 2 1:17:48 4 1:12:48 116 1:01:01 7 8
Kiss 1 1:18:44 5 1:18:44 219 0:53:11 3 6
Ran 3 1:18:46 6 1:08:45 101 0:56:58 4 5
Atsa II 2 1:22:00 7 1:17:00 144 1:00:12 6 7
Marilee 3 1:22:25 8 1:12:25 72 1:04:01 9 12
Malu 2 1:27:17 9 1:22:17 150 1:04:47 11 4
Bon Temps 2 1:27:18 10 1:22:18 140 1:05:58 12 14
Miller Time III 2 1:29:00 11 1:24:00 171 1:04:03 10 10
Aragorn 1 1:34:58 12 1:34:58 267 1:03:49 8 3
Serendipity 3 3 1:40:00 13 1:30:00 114 1:16:42 13 13
Pau Hana 1 1:47:36 14 1:47:36 228 1:21:00 14 9
Fast Sunday 1 2:04:33 15 2:04:33 273 1:32:42 15 15

Congratulations: Osprey, Madison 3, Aragorn, Malu

Our next race is :
Saturday, April 16, 2022. Same time, Same Place
We hope to see you all out on the water again.

The General Membership Meeting and Dinner


America’s Boating Club San Diego

Cordially invites you to

The General Membership Meeting and Dinner

Friday, March 11, 2022
6-8 pm

 Maggie’s Café
3232 Greyling Dr. St. D
San Diego, CA 92123                                     

Join the other boating members for an evening together.  Come and see what is happening with the San Diego Club! Meal orders will be placed from their menu.  Separate checks for each party.  Alcoholic beverages available for purchase as well.  You can also just join us for an evening!  Come early to socialize.  Please let us know you are coming so we have enough seats available.

Invite a friend or someone that is interested in our mission and what we do.

Please RSVP your attendance by March 7, 2022 to Carl Schwartz @ or call 619 528-9111. 

South Bay Family Sailing Series-November 20, 2021 Saturday, (7.4 nm)

Nov Race Course

The third Saturday of November, November 20, 2021 was an excellent day to go sailing.  If you were not out on the water you really missed a wonderful day.  The winds had been light and fog was in the area a few days before the race.  Everyone was expecting light winds and wondering if we could even have a race.  The professional weather predictors predicted light winds of 5-8 knots.  As it turned out we had light winds out of the NW at 7-11 knots that were constant throughout the race.  On the Beaufort scale this is Beaufort Force 2-3. These conditions probably favored the smaller boats.  The fog had lifted and there were slightly blue skies with 50% high thin cloud covering.  There was a high tide of 6.6 ft. at 1000, so the tidal flow would out going during the whole race.

An update on the racing boats: Mike Collins (one of the originators of the South Bay Family Sailing Series handicap system) sold his boat Marilee to Dan Dreesen.  Dan is happy, however, we all are going to miss his boat, Quack Attack on the race course.  Astra is being sold, so Mike Philbrook and his scouts will have a new boat on the race course next month.  Everyone is hoping it is NOT as fast as Astra.

8 boats were circling the starting line for the noon horn.  The first group consisting of Fast Sunday, Miller Time III and BlewByU were off at the first horn.  This was a pursuit race so the starting line would not be crowded.  The second group was across the starting line at 12:05 and consisted of Simplicity, Estate Sail and Bon Temps.  Finally, at 12:10 the third group of Marilee and Astra began the race. At the first mark BlewByU was in the lead, followed by Miller Time III, Bon Temps, Simplicity, and Estate Sail.  The Marilee and Astra were close behind.   Miller Time III put up their spinnaker and everyone thought the race was over.  All were worried Estate Sail would fly their spinnaker as well.  However, by the second mark Miller Time III was slightly behind Simplicity and Estate Sail did not fly their spinnaker.  By the third mark, Bon Temps had taken over the lead.

The across the line finish times were:  Bon Temps 13:35:10, BlewByU, 13:37:40, Marilee 13:39:11, Simplicity 13:40:00, Astra 13:40:10, Estate Sail 13:41:37, Miller Time III 13:44:17, Fast Sunday 13:54:13.  WOW within 19 minutes 8 boats crossed the finish line.  Every boat was within close proximity to the finish line.  This is how we want all races to finish.

Putting all this information into the Mike Collins Handicap System we have the following:

Congratulations Simplicity, BlewByU, and Miller Time III

Which boats are in position for a TROPHY at the end of the year?

Putting all these numbers into the PHRF rating system reveal: BlewByU, Simplicity, Marilee, Astra, tie for 5th  Estate Sail, Bon Temps, Miller Time III, 6th Fast Sunday.

Congratulations all racers.

Next race:  Saturday, December 18, 2021

We hope to see you all there for the final race of the year.



Sober Boating

It’s Tuesday and the National Safe Boating Council has designated today as Sober Boating awareness day.

It is pretty well known that you shouldn’t drink and drive, even on the water. However, it is also more dangerous for your passengers to drink and ride. Unstable people with lowered inhibitions are more likely to fall overboard…or just plain fall, which can still result in injury. For a lot of people, sober boating goes against everything they think of when they think of boats, but that is why yacht clubs, and many marinas, have bars. Save your drinking for when you dock. Enjoy your cruise, break out the bubbly after you tie up!

And enjoy those Norwegian sober boating videos I shared yesterday under the guise of lifejacket awareness 🙂

Stay safe, keep learning, boat sober,
Tanya Weimer

San Diego Sail and Power Squadron